To ADW Administrators: about current project

Сообщение =HH=Andygor76 » 17 дек 2008, 16:56

[BF.S]Buch писал(а):Ты думаешь мой вери гуд?
На тебе переводилку.

ха ну ты шутник, я весь день убью на эту хрень :-?

I./JG53_Adler спасибо за информацию, ну до кучи - что ты ему ответил в двух словах. Небось про ЕГ :D :D :D
В армии не всё понятно, зато всё правильно! ©
ушёл в танкисты, вернусь не скоро=)
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Сообщение -666- » 17 дек 2008, 18:00

andygor76 писал(а):
[BF.S]Buch писал(а):Ты думаешь мой вери гуд?
На тебе переводилку.

ха ну ты шутник, я весь день убью на эту хрень :-?

I./JG53_Adler спасибо за информацию, ну до кучи - что ты ему ответил в двух словах. Небось про ЕГ :D :D :D

Ты чего целый день :o
Ты вручную что ли набивать собиралси :D
Выделяешь, копируешь, вставляешь!
Весь перевод десять секунд :wink:
Я кошкама самоубилься сама.
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04 фев 2008, 11:04
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Сообщение I./JG53_Adler » 17 дек 2008, 18:34

andygor76 писал(а):I./JG53_Adler спасибо за информацию, ну до кучи - что ты ему ответил в двух словах. Небось про ЕГ :D :D :D

Нет, напротив - скорее про Жысть 8)

Забацай туда же в переводчик, я щас после работы уже нихрена не варю.
С суботы не могу полетать. Или это была пятница? :o
Ufw. Wolzow
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Сообщение *DZR*Chimanov » 17 дек 2008, 20:30

Ok Adler; first of all thanks for using your time translating my first post, i appreciate that.

I agree with you about Eastern Front atmosphere; actually what attracted me to previous ADW was that you never knew what could happen; sometimes you flew a bomber escort mission without seeing enemies during those 50 minutes; and all of a sudden you were sorrounded by all LW. The same with VVS, sometimes airspace was ours and no OKL could even come close. I really enjoyed it; so you can have all that Eastern Front atmosphere with even conditions at the beggining and they may change and be balanced to one side during one map... but with better conditions at the start.

I proposed:

1) If maximum server capacity is for example 70 players; then the maximum one side can have is 35.
2) Do not allow teams fly with RED and BLUE tags during same map; so NO "VIOLET" PLAYERS. If you say this is a hardcore server, then this should never be allowed.
3) Ban forever those players that do serious and flagrant cheating; like using a fake squad to see their positions; for example.

I disagree with you that it doesn´t matter who win or lose, of course it matters...this is a competition and most of us want to win the campaign. If I take this seriously, as a game of course, but with serious approach to the project, then i can give my full to my side. If i realize that conditions are way outbalanced 100% of maps; i just fly like im doing now when im alone...going at 500m with a Yak7A vs 6 BF109F and die... not nice to my side to lose so many planes in one hour...but hey, if it doesnt matter to win...who cares, right?

Tell those guys who stay awake doing supply all night to their front bases if is not important for them to win... :roll:

What I see from your comments (and your actions like with that Ari guy); is that none of the proposals will be even considered.

Thank you for your time anyway.


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Сообщение *stealth* » 17 дек 2008, 20:45

Сhimanov, believe me, in adw we have THE BALANCE !
but some time... some people don'n fly and having sex, beer, VODKA .. drugs, nuke, acid ...gas.. and so on ...
and so we have some disBALANCE in game )))))))))))
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Сообщение RodgeR » 17 дек 2008, 20:54

Ты думаешь 72ые завязали с полётами и бахаются герычем :o
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Сообщение *stealth* » 17 дек 2008, 20:57

ну они не завязали .. потсо типа умело скарываются :D
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Сообщение 159BAG_mendeleev » 17 дек 2008, 20:58

RodgeR писал(а):Ты думаешь 72ые завязали с полётами и бахаются герычем :o

Но их не много))) Вот если 72-е зайдут всем составом, которым они в ТСе собираются, пипец всем и вся и всему)))))) :lol:
Надо не смотреть,а ВИДЕТЬ.Смотрят все.Не думать,а СООБРАЖАТЬ надо.Думают все (Кривошеев Г.В.)
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Сообщение *DZR*Chimanov » 17 дек 2008, 21:02

Those who keep these projects alive are those who participate; and prefer to join the server instead of watching TV and drink vodka or whatever they do :)

So as I said; what I want to prevent for future campaigns is current disbalance for 6 maps; i dont respect that people -red or blue- who feels fine winning maps in such a huge advantage like 49-12 (90% of times). If this is no prevented; you can have quorums of 65-5... do you think that is good for project???

If your answer is yes; then be sure you won´t see many people around here from all over the world, but only russian guys playing it. If thats the way you want it, then go ahead and have fun.

*Pobres los pueblos que necesitan heroes*
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12 ноя 2008, 02:15
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Сообщение VPK_CARTOON » 17 дек 2008, 22:25

Come on Chimanov ! let me tell you what is going to happen if you implement up to 35 players by side rule. You will have 35 OKL sometimes and 6-7 VVS. So what use from that rule ?
You keep saying- i, me, i.... You say that you like hard fights and not looking for easy wins. I am 100 per cent sure that you do. No doubts about YOU. But i am talking about the majority.

Here is the answers -

Its is HARD to fight and survive on YAK7 against BF109F for medium class pilot (majority on server) . That is why you have so few VVS in 1941.

It is HARD to fight and survive on BF109G6 against La-5FN in 1943. Thats why the situation turns the other way round. You cannot FORCE people to do what they dont want to.

The server rules give even chances to both sides at the beginning.

Tell me now. Is it bad if i want to change side and support side wich is outnumbered for the next mission ?

Cheers and stay...high ))))
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Сообщение VPK_CARTOON » 17 дек 2008, 22:28

Man ! Just look what has happened !!! Outnumbered VVS has won the map )))) !
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Сообщение *stealth* » 17 дек 2008, 23:08

in ADW history Blue side won just a few wars(about 4)..
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Сообщение *DZR*Chimanov » 18 дек 2008, 01:32

I dont say only fly Blue or Red all war; i just say that fly only one side DURING A MAP. And if you say that the intention of ADW is to represent unbalanced East Front scenario: then why you support a squad flying 2 sides during 1 map in order to "balance" the situation? Its contradictory :roll:

We won Kuban outnumeberd, YES, but not 49-12... Kuban was more even than previous maps and THAT IS WHAT I MEAN SINCE MY FIRST POSTAND WHAT I EXPLAINED HERE; when outnumbered by 30-20 OK, but not 45-17; understand?

Ok guys; thank you very much for your time and respect. I just feel that the 3 things I have proposed are to make ADW even better than what it is now; for me ADW is EXCELLENT PROJECT and i think it can be even better.

I respect the decision of Administrators. I will keep flying ADW while I enjoy it...

I said all what I wanted to say and have nothing else to add; thx for your time.

Spasibo Druzja;

See you in the skies!
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12 ноя 2008, 02:15
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Сообщение SchwarzFlugel » 18 дек 2008, 06:19

flying for different sides during same mission IS forbiden, if You see anyone doing this - write to admins and rulebreaker will be punished. but if You want, You can change side every hour with new mission beginning. (actually I had never seen this happening, but some squads used to change side from red to blue in about 1943, thats when blues start to quit war due to this G6-La5FN horror)
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Сообщение *DZR*Chimanov » 18 дек 2008, 17:07

SchwarzFlugel писал(а):flying for different sides during same mission IS forbiden, if You see anyone doing this - write to admins and rulebreaker will be punished.

No, I dont mean same mission; i mean same map must be forbidden; is not serious nor fair to allow this.

but if You want, You can change side every hour with new mission beginning. (actually I had never seen this happening, but some squads used to change side from red to blue in about 1943, thats when blues start to quit war due to this G6-La5FN horror)

This is what I mean; this should never be allowed and YES, I have seen this happen and know some of those squads.
If administrators support realism; they should forbid this.

BTW: There is no La5-G6 horror; I see after 1943 most have FW190A so there is nothing to fear; any squad can have success with "unlimited" heavy rounds of Focke which is a shooting plataform for rookies.
*Pobres los pueblos que necesitan heroes*
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12 ноя 2008, 02:15
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