Report - False quorum!!

Сообщение [KO]FlyMaker » 06 мар 2010, 11:13

Hello friends
I am here to report a false quorum.
In te mission -

Note that the pilot J10/SDPG_Cherep enter in the server and Take off, soon after two pilots take off. [BF.S]PVO_Radist and -=RFF=-StIMakaroB
Pilot J10/SDPG_Cherep soon after take off and create a quorum to your friends, shoot for no apparent reason stalls and falls, alone!

Me and my friend Pablo are outraged by this action. Witness the fact and want a punishment!

Thanks and sorry for my poor english
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Сообщение =BLW=PabloSniper » 06 мар 2010, 11:17

I personally witnessed this fact and I would earnestly ask the directors of the ADW complying with the rules so that this can not happen!
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04 ноя 2009, 15:26
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