Reserve: return the F2 or leave the options E series?

Сообщение 335th_GRTyphoon » 14 ноя 2010, 02:31

RedEye_Tumu писал(а):This its the restrictions for ADW ( wrote on rules )


I-16type28 - I-16type24 without RS
LaGG-3series29st - LaGG-3series29 without VYA and RS
Yak-1A - Yak-1 without RS
Yak-7 - Yak-7A without RS
Yak-7Bst - Yak-7B without RS
Yak-7DI - Yak-7BPF without RS

"¿¿¿¿cuanto tenemos que llorar los rojos para que nos den el I16 Type24 de reserva en ADW???? "

Tumu,remeber my post??
read it again...
i asked if there are restrictions on.....

"...On Yak-3??
On La-5FN??
On La-7??..."
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Сообщение RedEye_Tumu » 14 ноя 2010, 13:02

I think no restrictions for La5fn , or La7 or Yak3 . But Thypoon neither are for blue planes on last years...

Any restriction for A6? A8? A9?? i dont know if whit last changes of rules , Dora are avaliable on blue planetset, on past editions flying blue i was selected this super Fw-190d. Any restrictions for G10, G14 ?? I think no are restrictions for blue planes on last years.

Reading your post i see you talk about incompatibility of planetset lines... if you select clean 109 line you cant fly after focke plane ... but reds have same problem... if we want fly P-39 first have to fly Mig3s.... if i want fly La7 , first i have to fly P-40s and hurricanes... This handicap is one of great thinks of this competition ( or i have to say was ?? whit last changes for blues?? ) the handicap its simply if you want to end war with best planes you have to fly before worst planes... if you want fly better planes on first years you have to end war with worst planes. I never read any complain for any red about this. I can say more, first editions of ADW was flying especialy for russian playes and no have this long discussions . This handicap allways was acepted.

Next point about supremacie of red planes on last years its exactly same situation about supremacie of blue planes on first years.... on first years reds have imposible catch a blue plane on speed, dive or climb... And its true you cant bomb tanks at 9k ... but you can do a dive to imposible speed for red and drop bombs for continue running....

The F2 theme its interesting, we have a similar problem.... our best plane on high altitude its the mig3 but using your words no suited for adw, the unic plane can fight again nasa pilots or intercept highaltitude bombes have a insuficient gun power for destroy ju88 or h111 , or any figher... you need have a first great shot for PK or less a lot of time rear enemy... thats war whit small calibers... i think blue dont know this problems... allways flying planes whit minimun of 2 x 20 mm guns. learn shot whit small caliber , learn to be a regular pilot no a Hartman pilot.

But the best about all this post, if we can know the point of view of other side, this is a great thing . Thx for your words Thypoon.

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Сообщение 335th_GRTyphoon » 15 ноя 2010, 10:32

RedEye_Tumu писал(а):I think no restrictions for La5fn , or La7 or Yak3 . But Thypoon neither are for blue planes on last years...

Any restriction for A6? A8? A9?? i dont know if whit last changes of rules , Dora are avaliable on blue planetset, on past editions flying blue i was selected this super Fw-190d. Any restrictions for G10, G14 ?? I think no are restrictions for blue planes on last years.

Reading your post i see you talk about incompatibility of planetset lines... if you select clean 109 line you cant fly after focke plane ... but reds have same problem... if we want fly P-39 first have to fly Mig3s.... if i want fly La7 , first i have to fly P-40s and hurricanes... This handicap is one of great thinks of this competition ( or i have to say was ?? whit last changes for blues?? ) the handicap its simply if you want to end war with best planes you have to fly before worst planes... if you want fly better planes on first years you have to end war with worst planes. I never read any complain for any red about this. I can say more, first editions of ADW was flying especialy for russian playes and no have this long discussions . This handicap allways was acepted.

Next point about supremacie of red planes on last years its exactly same situation about supremacie of blue planes on first years.... on first years reds have imposible catch a blue plane on speed, dive or climb... And its true you cant bomb tanks at 9k ... but you can do a dive to imposible speed for red and drop bombs for continue running....

The F2 theme its interesting, we have a similar problem.... our best plane on high altitude its the mig3 but using your words no suited for adw, the unic plane can fight again nasa pilots or intercept highaltitude bombes have a insuficient gun power for destroy ju88 or h111 , or any figher... you need have a first great shot for PK or less a lot of time rear enemy... thats war whit small calibers... i think blue dont know this problems... allways flying planes whit minimun of 2 x 20 mm guns. learn shot whit small caliber , learn to be a regular pilot no a Hartman pilot.

But the best about all this post, if we can know the point of view of other side, this is a great thing . Thx for your words Thypoon.


Hmmm,i see your point Tumu,you are right.
Of course there is allways the difficulty from the other side,which i can not know completely.
But,my problem was not the incompatibility of planeset lines,of course its a great future of ADW.
i try to explain it to you,as i have written it once again in ADW forum:
G-2 is considered by red side to be one of the uber-planes they can not match.
So it is restricted to fly ONLY with 20mm gunpods,unless u select a 109 planeset line.
having the pods,it is robbed of its main advantage,acceleration and climb.
Blue consider La-5FN or La-7 to be uber-planes,can u tell me ONE restriction these planes have?

i wrote in one of my posts
335th_GRTyphoon писал(а):

now,about reserve beeing sh*t,i agree.
you must be cautious not to lose main plane cause life sucks in reserve.
.....i feel that some sh*t stinks more than other as i said,so for me :15mm stinks more than 20mm(even if F-2 IS a better plane,but NOT suited for ADW,and by the way,if reserve planeset was ok,why was it changed???? :D :wink: 8) ) and G-6 stinks waaaaaay more than Yak-9D.........
and i talk about 5 maps here.......

and allways remember 2 things....
1.Luftwaffe's best planes flew 1942-1943,while russian best planes flew 1944-1945.
if you cut capabilities or planes of 1942-1943 (G-2 with gunpods,no mk-108,no G-2 reserve),you cut the ONLY PLANES WHO GAVE ADVANTAGE TO BLUE IN THE WHOLE WAR.
if you DONT cut planes or planes capabilities from russian planes best period 44-45,then THERE IS NO EQUALITY......

2.ADW is mostly won ON THE GROUND,that means LOW,and we all know what LOW means for blue planes......anyone not recognizing this is either a noob or ignorant.

See,main argument on red side is that this war is based on a "Hard for reds in the beggining-Hard for blue at the end" scenario.
If this is true,then any restrictions on planes (G-2) or weapons (No 30mm allowed for blue)on blue side should be matched on red side also,which does not happen.
Also,red players allways talk about blue pilots survivability,cause they allways have the option of running away,which is true,but they dont realize that blue side has major drawbacks also,like they cant be efficient escorts for the bombers cause they bleed too much energy when they stay in the horizontral too much,and they cant target efficiently better maneuvering planes,and they are dead if they stay low without energy and so on....
Do you get my point?
Anyway,this is trully a endless discussion,maybe with no point,cause every side sees things differently.

P.S.:I dont think that there are restrictions needed for G-10 or G-14,A-8 or A-9.Compare them against one La-7,no matter low or high altitude, or even Yak-3 and u see that those blue planes have found their masters... :)..and by diving away and escaping u cant win ADW.... :wink:

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Сообщение wolfofwinter » 16 ноя 2010, 14:27

I don't know because all the post always ends the same, if a blue pilot says something, is because it is believed Hartmann....
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Сообщение RedEye_Tumu » 16 ноя 2010, 15:17


of course typhoon

la5 an la5FN ( especialy last plane ) are considered for blue a uber plane. But what restrictions you want made friend??? at least this planes , la5 and La5FN are considered uber plane for diferent cuestions.

1.-for reds fly a la5 its a real luxury , we come from fly before planes like yak7A or Yak7b , laggs4 or P-40 versus excelent planes like 109-F4 . For first time on war reds have one competitive plane on this years... laggs29,yak1b,yak9 or La5. But only its a illusion. because if your really know your plane and the plane of enemy... you can see la5fn( considered best plane of this years ) its a normal plane, no have nothing especialy. You have to know whats its the really because you are a skilled pilot mate.

some things about la5fn :

-Its very fast plane. False. la5 are more fast under 3.200 mts but over this altitude are slow vs 109g2 . and you know blue side allways try fly over this altitude.
-Its a stronge plane. False. Engine of La5FN its overheat at 5 minuts if you have full throtle and its dead after 8 mintus. NO are stronge planes on game vs gunpods and superdestructionpower of FW.
-Have better turn. O yes, allways you turn over 270 Km/h. But if you fly under this speed are dead. Reds have allways this problem.... all we lear to fly using agresive turns... error, you disipate speed... on close combat G2 wins to LA5FN turning , because close combat whit siccsors ends allways slow.
-Dive speed . Never cant catch a enemy on dive.

conclusion: yes its one of beast planes, but you have to know very well your plane and important thing, enemey allways have a chance to win if made correct action on combat.

2.- For blue fight vs a la5fn its a new experience!! are fighting whit plane more fast under 3200 mts... are fighting vs plane whit 2 cannon 20mm!!! are fighting whit plane whit best turn !!! uao!!! increible plane!!! hahahhahah!!! vs la5fn i think a lot of blue pilots cant belive no are more fasters and no have better turn ... this its snub no???

La5FN its good plane and point.

I thingk if you fly 109g2 whit gunpods its because you want end war whit foke?? im not sure about blue planetset options. but i think its very posible you can fly this 109g2 whiout gunpod selecting other line... but its posible you end competition whit worst plane...

About la7 and yak3. Nothing to see. i think only fly 2 last maps . Like a other red planes its considered for blue like a uber planes, but really its simply, are the planes whit best Characteristics and are better than Characteristics of blue planes... but this its no reasson for considered a uber... same thing succes for red side along 3 first years of war, allways blue planes have beeter Characteristics , we can considered this blue planes of first years like a uber planes. But for 2 sides best we can do its accept this. And learn to compete on all situations.

wolf, porque el mundo es una esfera?? algunas cosas son como son. En serio, si en vez de estar toda la vida montado en el mejor avion , escupiendo plomo a diestro y siniestro con el triple de municion que tu adversario, si te pasas los mapas mas activos de ADW siendo el amo , sencillamente se te sube a la cabeza. luego cuando te dan un avion que no corre tanto, te dan un avion que no dispara tanto, o un avion que no gira tanto... pues volando rojo y estando acostumbrado a todo lo malo, molesta ver que algunos encima se quejan cuando las cosas les vienen mal dadas.
Por otro lado creo que no es tu caso wolf, sinceramente, pero si el de muchos otros, solo tienes que ver que algunos incluso usan ese nombre como nik, o otros , bubbi, karaya que son lo mismo. todo esto tambien es producto de la enorme propaganda que historicamente puedes encontrar sobre los superaces LW, que mucho se la han creido de cabo a rabo, pensando qu se puede trasladar una realidad ( mas que cuestionable ) a un juego d simulacion.
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Сообщение 335th_GRTyphoon » 16 ноя 2010, 17:44

RedEye_Tumu писал(а)::))

of course typhoon

la5 an la5FN ( especialy last plane ) are considered for blue a uber plane. But what restrictions you want made friend??? at least this planes , la5 and La5FN are considered uber plane for diferent cuestions.

I think we enter a endless discussion mate,but...

Yes,there cant be any restrictions for La-5FN,on the other side,its very convenient for red side that G-2 has gunpods,right?? :D
Very efficient way to take away its advantages....while La-5FN keeps them all....

RedEye_Tumu писал(а)::))

1.-for reds fly a la5 its a real luxury , we come from fly before planes like yak7A or Yak7b , laggs4 or P-40 versus excelent planes like 109-F4 . For first time on war reds have one competitive plane on this years... laggs29,yak1b,yak9 or La5. But only its a illusion. because if your really know your plane and the plane of enemy... you can see la5fn( considered best plane of this years ) its a normal plane, no have nothing especialy. You have to know whats its the really because you are a skilled pilot mate.

The bold underlined part of your comment counts for red pilots also mate,who think F-4 is uber-plane and has no weaknesses.
How many red pilots allways write about weak I-16's (also with 2x20mm...),but if you know how to fly this little plane,you can defend easily against multiple Emils,and you can dodge their attacks for several minutes till some friend arrives and shoots the Emils which are meanwhile low and slow down.
I am sure you know that very well mate,cause you are a skilled pilot also....
About La-5FN now,i disagree with you.
Of course its a speciall plane for its year,and you should know that its not only the facts in hardball viewer that count.
Acceleration or how much it conserves energy in a fight are also of big impotrance amongst other things,and you should know that also.
Besides,not of all of blue player community can be wrong or crazy by considering La-5FN to be a super plane,just like red side community with G-2 does.

RedEye_Tumu писал(а)::))

some things about la5fn :

-Its very fast plane. False. la5 are more fast under 3.200 mts but over this altitude are slow vs 109g2 . and you know blue side allways try fly over this altitude.
-Its a stronge plane. False. Engine of La5FN its overheat at 5 minuts if you have full throtle and its dead after 8 mintus. NO are stronge planes on game vs gunpods and superdestructionpower of FW.
-Have better turn. O yes, allways you turn over 270 Km/h. But if you fly under this speed are dead. Reds have allways this problem.... all we lear to fly using agresive turns... error, you disipate speed... on close combat G2 wins to LA5FN turning , because close combat whit siccsors ends allways slow.
-Dive speed . Never cant catch a enemy on dive.

conclusion: yes its one of beast planes, but you have to know very well your plane and important thing, enemey allways have a chance to win if made correct action on combat.

1. La-5FN is indeed faster under 3200.
Question:where do most engagements take place in ADW????? 8) :wink:
2.You think you can fly for 10 mins with overheat in G-2???NO!same problem here...
You think its easy to keep a turning La-5FN in your gunsights if you have gunpods or Focke????NO!
3.La-5FN turns waaay better,unless in low speed.yes.
Question:do you ENTER many fights with under 270 kmph???If not (of course you enter a fight in most cases in much more speed than this),then you turn faster,much more faster in the first critical seconds of a fight,so you get the advantage much more quicker 8) .Easy to do that,isnt it?
4. Yeees,of course you allways can dive away if you fly blue,but....can you win ADW this way??NO!

Conclusion:Same as you wrote above for blue,same counts for red....

You may know a lot about G-2 Tumu,but i know also a lot about La's.

RedEye_Tumu писал(а)::))

About la7 and yak3. Nothing to see. i think only fly 2 last maps . Like a other red planes its considered for blue like a uber planes, but really its simply, are the planes whit best Characteristics and are better than Characteristics of blue planes... but this its no reasson for considered a uber... same thing succes for red side along 3 first years of war, allways blue planes have beeter Characteristics , we can considered this blue planes of first years like a uber planes. But for 2 sides best we can do its accept this. And learn to compete on all situations.

I mentioned La-7 and Yak-3 only cause YOU mentioned Dora and A-9 .... :wink:
I agree we should learn to compete on all situations.
If you really believe that then you should write a post to ADW admins and tell them to take back Gunpod restriction and 30mm restriction on blue planes,or let us fly our 1941 F-4 as reserve in 1944.

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Сообщение RedEye_Tumu » 16 ноя 2010, 19:09

salute again!

i-16 whit 2 cannons its type 24, no avaliable before 3thd map, why?? type18 its your real enemy on first stage. im boried to hit emils and they infinite run to base and landed. About I16 , you win adw because can DEFEND your self by turns?? i think no.

And yes, i end a lot of combats under 270 kms, reasson, its usually need climb to the moon for hunt a enemy... or better reasson, too many blues are great pilots and try drive combat to slow speeds. This its the option for skilled pilots, this option or simply dive and run, you dont win war, but survive, your plane survive and no damage for your resources, thats true no ?? or really think its better fly on plane no have option to escape?????

I can garanted you, g2 engine can overheat, but la5fn engine overheat becomes before than g2, this easy, you can do the test mate or simply belive me ;)

And important question, you are saying me NO have any option for fly bf109g2 whiout gunpods ??? its important thing, you CANT select any planetset line for fly bf109g2 whiout gunpods??? i unknow actually blue planetset, but in other editions i flow on blue side. you can select 2 lines for fly bf109g2 whiout gunpods. please answer to this cuestions. if you NO have any option for fly bf109g2 whiout gunpods.. I agree whit you. and write togheter a post to admins. but if you are here writing about you cant fly bf109g2 whiout gunpods because you want end war whit planes like a A9 or Dora ( im not sure this plane continue avaliable ), i desagree.

What plane you think have to fly before La7 on red planetset line ???? yes lagg3s66. Yes i want made a complain because i want fly la5fn and la7! eip!! atention you can fly la5fn and after you can fly la7, but you have to fly 3 maps whit p-40! and enemy are flying g2....hahahah , no , no , no i want fly all best planes, start whit i-16t24, continue whit Yak7bpf, and after fly P-39d2, La5FN and ends whit La7! adw allways i think its not a supermarket and have interesting planetset lines , and need use "strategic" reassons for select line... reasson like... what year i have my better plane??? what planes have enemy on this same year?? what advantage supose this 2 last things???
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Сообщение 335th_GRTyphoon » 16 ноя 2010, 20:42

RedEye_Tumu писал(а):salute again!

About I16 , you win adw because can DEFEND your self by turns?? i think no.

No,not by turns only,you know what i mean, defensive Split-S can be deadly if the Emil pilot is not good enough and looses energy....bye bye and PK.
I have seen endless times in ADW how even 3-4 experienced pilots try to hit 1 single experienced (or medium...) Chaika or Rata pilot with constant BnZ and loops but cant hit it,or they shoot it down after 3-4 mins...
Imagine that,3-4 Emils trying to shoot down 1 SINGLE aircraft wasting valuable resources,and believe me,its not cause blue pilots cant aim....

RedEye_Tumu писал(а):salute again!

And yes, i end a lot of combats under 270 kms, reasson, its usually need climb to the moon for hunt a enemy...

Question is,at which speed you usually START.
i bet you it is most of the times somewhere between 350-400kmph.
And at those speeds you QUICKLY gain advantage after a couple of turns.
If you dont want to slow down,you simply choose not to slow down,simple as that.

RedEye_Tumu писал(а):salute again!

...this option or simply dive and run, you dont win war, but survive, your plane survive and no damage for your resources, thats true no ??

of course there is a damage for resources if 109s and Focke dive away to come back 4-5mins later,cause your fighters or IL have plenty of time to destroy targets on ground!

RedEye_Tumu писал(а):

And important question, you are saying me NO have any option for fly bf109g2 whiout gunpods ??? its important thing, you CANT select any planetset line for fly bf109g2 whiout gunpods??? i unknow actually blue planetset, but in other editions i flow on blue side. you can select 2 lines for fly bf109g2 whiout gunpods. please answer to this cuestions. if you NO have any option for fly bf109g2 whiout gunpods.. I agree whit you. and write togheter a post to admins. but if you are here writing about you cant fly bf109g2 whiout gunpods because you want end war whit planes like a A9 or Dora ( im not sure this plane continue avaliable ), i desagree.

Yes,i can choose "clean" 109,but you havent anwered my question yet:If you and other reds say,lets compete equal on ALL situations,THEN WHY THE GUNPOD RESTRICTION IN THE FIRST PLACE?WHY THE 30mm RESTRICTION??WHY IS 1941 F-4 CONSIDERED A BIG THREAT AS RESERVE PLANE TO 1943 YAK-9D RESERVE?
Answer me that first please,and then we talk about planeset lines.
You see,many things are cut down from blue side,but not on red side also.

But after all,its a competition of squads and teamplay,and im tired to write the same things again and again.
Anyway Tumu,i think other people will get tired about this endless discussion about planes,so better lets leave it behind and lets have a good game in the air.

S! mate.
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Сообщение RedEye_Tumu » 16 ноя 2010, 22:35

yes i think we never end this post.

i try answer the cuestion and we cand end our interesting conversation mate.

I dont know why have this 30mm cannon g6 and i dont know why start whit i16t18 reserve plane, and i dont know why you have g6late on reserve.... dont know exactly reassons. But i allways think same thing. ADW its very interesting competition, and one stronge point of competition its option to choose better planetset line . ADW its running from several years, and only in 2 or 3 edition , i have to read a lot, lot ,lot of complains about blues. NO reds, only blues, and at the end i have to read complains about planes.. this its the reasson by I start this discurssion.

I think all this restrictions are the way use admins of adw for try equilibrate lines. NO are perfect formula. But i think the options used on ADW are right, and no needed blue complains.

regards mate.

we fight on sky ;))
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Сообщение RedEye_Miji » 25 ноя 2010, 01:41

Blues have line whit G2 "clean", it ends whit G14

You have clean Bf109G2 from Stalingrd to Kuban'43, choose this one!!!!!
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Сообщение 335th_GRTyphoon » 26 ноя 2010, 20:45

RedEye_Miji писал(а):Blues have line whit G2 "clean", it ends whit G14

You have clean Bf109G2 from Stalingrd to Kuban'43, choose this one!!!!!

335th_GRTyphoon писал(а):

Yes,i can choose "clean" 109(**if i want Focke next i have to fly them with gunpods only**),but you havent anwered my question yet:If you and other reds say,lets compete equal on ALL situations,THEN WHY THE GUNPOD RESTRICTION IN THE FIRST PLACE?WHY THE 30mm RESTRICTION??WHY IS 1941 F-4 CONSIDERED A BIG THREAT AS RESERVE PLANE TO 1943 YAK-9D RESERVE?
Answer me that first please,and then we talk about planeset lines.
You see,many things are cut down from blue side,but not on red side also.

But after all,its a competition of squads and teamplay,and im tired to write the same things again and again.
Anyway Tumu,i think other people will get tired about this endless discussion about planes,so better lets leave it behind and lets have a good game in the air.

S! mate.

Can you answer the questions Miji?
And one last comment about complains coming only from blue side.
Maybe cause red planes cant have restrictions and you can fly them without gunpods and with all their heavy weapons?
But...please guys,lets end this.
i only wanted to make clear why on some matters blue pilots feel their planes are given disadvantages while not doing so with red planes.
ADWis won by teams more than by planes,but that doesnt mean that we dont have the right to express our thoughts.
we are equall players in this game (?) and we want to be treated as such.

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Сообщение Raub » 27 ноя 2010, 16:45

335th_GRTyphoon писал(а):
RedEye_Miji писал(а):Blues have line whit G2 "clean", it ends whit G14

You have clean Bf109G2 from Stalingrd to Kuban'43, choose this one!!!!!

335th_GRTyphoon писал(а):

Yes,i can choose "clean" 109(**if i want Focke next i have to fly them with gunpods only**),but you havent anwered my question yet:If you and other reds say,lets compete equal on ALL situations,THEN WHY THE GUNPOD RESTRICTION IN THE FIRST PLACE?WHY THE 30mm RESTRICTION??WHY IS 1941 F-4 CONSIDERED A BIG THREAT AS RESERVE PLANE TO 1943 YAK-9D RESERVE?
Answer me that first please,and then we talk about planeset lines.
You see,many things are cut down from blue side,but not on red side also.

But after all,its a competition of squads and teamplay,and im tired to write the same things again and again.
Anyway Tumu,i think other people will get tired about this endless discussion about planes,so better lets leave it behind and lets have a good game in the air.

S! mate.

Can you answer the questions Miji?
And one last comment about complains coming only from blue side.
Maybe cause red planes cant have restrictions and you can fly them without gunpods and with all their heavy weapons?
But...please guys,lets end this.
i only wanted to make clear why on some matters blue pilots feel their planes are given disadvantages while not doing so with red planes.
ADWis won by teams more than by planes,but that doesnt mean that we dont have the right to express our thoughts.
we are equall players in this game (?) and we want to be treated as such.


situation with gunpods for REDs is imitated not by restrictions of weapons, but by planes.
if red squad whant to have La-7 in 45, it need to fly at Laggs till late 43.
if red squad whant to have La-5FN in 43, it will fly La5FN in 45 too.

no restrictions, but the same thing - fly worst plane now, and you will fly best plane later, or fly best plane now, and worst later...

F-4 in reserve.... no way.
first from the historical purposes. 44-45 BLUE mass fighter was G-6. RED mass fighter was Yak-9(D/M and other modifications).
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Сообщение 335th_GRTyphoon » 28 ноя 2010, 01:10

Raub писал(а):

situation with gunpods for REDs is imitated not by restrictions of weapons, but by planes.


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Сообщение Raub » 28 ноя 2010, 08:56

Yarpen писал(а):
Raub писал(а):first from the historical purposes. 44-45 BLUE mass fighter was G-6. RED mass fighter was Yak-9(D/M and other modifications).

The same story, always.
When something in blue is wrong for reds - it's "game balance".
When something in red is wrong for blue - it's "historical fact".
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


i-16type18 on first two maps as reserve is neither "game balance" neither "historical fact", it's just free qualification points for blues fighters, but I didn't saw any blues who were confused by that...
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20 авг 2009, 15:21
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Сообщение wolfofwinter » 08 дек 2010, 14:28

It is difficult to determine the exact number of F4 for a reason so simple that many models F1 and F2 were taken to this new version.
We know that it is necessary to compensate or to balance the history, for example, as for numbers of devices... Oleg very was right in this with the I-16. :D
En algún lugar de la Mancha
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10 июн 2009, 16:31
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