Reserve: return the F2 or leave the options E series?

Сообщение *DZR*Chimanov » 13 дек 2010, 16:42

I agree with the guys playing for the blue side; i-16t18 are too uber and Yaks1/7A can outrun, outturn, outclimb and outdive anything; for instance, those yaks can paint circles around 109'sF2 for four maps, not to mention their amazing destructive power with the single "one hit wonderShvak", which can kill Ju87, Ju88 and even He-111's by dozens. :D

I beg ADW admins. to give them something more even to red for instance:

BTW; even without writing in forum for months, i've been mentioned in this thread...I'm glad to know that my fan club keeps so loyal! 8) :lol:

PS. =RedS=Jag i've sent a PM to you some days ago. Did you get it? Spasibo!
*Pobres los pueblos que necesitan heroes*
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12 ноя 2008, 02:15
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Сообщение I./NJG6_HeTzeR » 16 дек 2010, 14:42

I doubt that any of the admins care about this thread, anyway.
Why is it so hard, to give everyside, what they used to have back in the days?
Sure, we dont have all the planes, but we have most of em.
I think F2 is a great plane, and Im a guy, who never flew red.
I even managed to shot down 8 planes in a row with this plane! Fighter and Bombers.(Im not a good Fighter but Its manageable)
You just have to train a little, its really easy.

BUT what really bothers me is, that now the P39s are allowed to use the Cannons, LaGGs too.
If this is a historical fact, thats ok!
BUT If we get the 109s which are MK108 able, its restricted....
Admins are always talking about balancing and historical facts BUT at the one hand, Reds have BLUE AAA everywhere! (cause it seems to be better?! )
Using theyr Cannons in their Planes and whatever,and we have to balance it out then?
Dont get me wrong, I dont want to say reds are bad and we´re the Victims, but come on, give reds, red AAA, blue Blue aaa, we fly F2/4 vs. Yak and P39 and make it historical fact for everybody. At least for the planes.
I dont care if I have to fly a worst plane then the red does, when I have the feeling everything is fair. Its not unfair if we have a worst plane in this map, but will get the Mk108 UNRESTRICTED next map, things will change then.

So I think, make it fair for both sides, Balance it out perfectly (no cannons untill 44 etc.) or make it historical( Everything is allowed when u have the plane that can do it) But dont switch between those two Options, that just makes it unfair and more complex then it has to be ;)
AND you wont have to listen or read such threads anymore ;)

Best regards

Verloren ist nur, wer sich selbst aufgibt!

Major Hans-Ullrich Rudel
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11 окт 2009, 21:36
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Сообщение ghtmatrix » 16 дек 2010, 15:29

tomorow, i got 1 lagg-3 IT 1943, with my simple IAR 81c 1940, and minute after, i got laggs series 35 begind me

run forrest!!! 8) run with iar? lol hahahha
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18 окт 2008, 22:41
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