Hungarian Maks?

Сообщение RedEye_Kancer » 15 ноя 2010, 21:29

i can see several pilots with hungarian marking!!!!

On rules: only german and russian markings
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Сообщение ghtmatrix » 16 ноя 2010, 03:54

its old question, rules said 1 thing, so much times we see reds with RAF, none and bla bla bla, blues with hungarian, none or other flying...

my opinion is, mark or no mark, is same thing, because i think, nobody need mark to know if dot (plane) is friend or hostil, becuse all know about color guns, format of wing, tail, HDG of coming bla bla bla... just new guys have problem, but ADW just a bit of new guys i think hehe

do you have time to see marks over combat? hahaha :wink:
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Сообщение RedEye_Tumu » 16 ноя 2010, 13:34

yes matrix, we can see marks of enemy, we can see your faces claiming some piety and your blue blood in your cockpits!!
VVS pilots are made be a special wood ( like our planes). But this isnt the question friend.

The question its, are some rules??? yes or no ??? and what say this rules??? i think rules are easy. We have to respect rules?? what happens whit pilots no respect rules ??? no pain? this its the question.

Change rules if are indeed.

We see a lot of blue pilots whit rumanian, hungarian or finnish marks . If one side no respect rules, other side have to respect the same rules ??? this its the cuestions.

please admins answer something about this .

Red squads can use a different marks ( no russian )??

Its interesting because are more easy for us identificate teampilots if we use a different mark... for example.
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Сообщение -=RedS=-Jag » 16 ноя 2010, 14:05


Everyone must abide by the rules!
When a complaint we will be forced to punish the wrong markings.

Only the Finnish squad LeLv8 allowed to fly with family identification marks, as their squad is flying en masse, it's big and has some merit to the ADW.
Вырос на ADW GT... и пытаюсь расти дальше.

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Сообщение RedEye_Tumu » 16 ноя 2010, 15:29


thx very much Jag for your answer.

I see too much exception on adw , some squads can fly on both sides and now some squads can use different markings.. are any way for know if blue plane whit finnish marks are a Lelv8 pilot??? exceptions on rules are the way to confusion, hehehehe.

anyway we accept rules and exceptions, adw its a great competition and me and teamsquads are happy flying here.

thx for all.

RedEye are 10 pilots , and HRs are more than 15 pìlots, can include on next patch spanish markings??? we considered a stronge force on adw ( if you see reports of nights 00:00 1:00 ( GMT+1 ) you can find a lot of spanish pilots on red side )

heheheh, its a joke!

thz again.
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Сообщение wolfofwinter » 16 ноя 2010, 16:41

rsrsrsrsrsrrs or IoI or hahahahaha or jejjejejeje

right is, wrong marks is bad in any side....
If you fly of red with RAF is break the rules
If you fly of blue with Rum or Fin markin is break the rules.
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