Andariel Flag and Character Advantages

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Модератор: Администраторы Diablo II

Сообщение $ur0k » 16 окт 2013, 12:17

Banners, under which the Prime Evils lead their armies, have absorbed magical energy emanations of these legendary creatures. Patient adventurers can obtain those banners and use the powers bestowed in them for their benefit.

To call upon the banners, one may use the Horadric Cube. These are the secret formulas:
10 Perfect Gems or Skulls = 1 Hadriel Flag
10 Hadriel Flag = 1 Andariel Flag
11 Hadriel Flag = 1 Duriel Flag
12 Hadriel Flag = 1 Mephisto Flag

The Banners will be invoked directly to the caller’s inventory or on the ground next him, if his inventory is full.
To release the banner's energy, one may use the power of the horadric cube as well.
Andariel Flag’s energy allows players to awaken new powers. This powers are called Character advantages and represent all kinds of knowledge, skills and abilities. To awaken them, mix the corresponding components in the Horadric Cube.

Note: Manald Heal and Nagelring are not considered as unique rings.

To release the energy of the banner, you character must be at least level 66 on hell difficulty. Each character can have any number of active Character Advantages activated at a time (even all of them). However, the same advantage cannot be applied twice. With each Character Advantage activated, he permanently gains +4 health points.
To see the list of active advantages use “charinfo” command (w/o quotation marks), in the game chat(not in the lobby).

You may remove all of your advantages at any time by mixing the following ingredients in the Horadric Cube:
Key of Greed + 3 Perfect Skulls = Delete All Advantages
Upon using this recipe all the additional hp will be removed as well. Moreover, only 2/3 of Andariel Flags spent will be returned. E.G.: If character had 3 Character Advantages, he will get 2 Andariel Flags returned, if 7 – only 4 will be returned, if 1 – nothing will be returned at all.

Key of Greed drops from High Council (not just from the bosses, but from the minions as well), that dwell in the 3rd act hell Travincal and Durance of Hate level 3 maps with a chance of 0.3367%

To entirely comprehend the information regarding Character Advantages, one must be familiar with the following:
- Under the MIN and MAX functions are understood, the result of which is the minimum and the maximum of their arguments. E.G.: MAX(10, 0) = 10, MAX(-5, 100) = 100, MIN(20, 19) = 19.
- Pain Resistance is a chance to ignore hit recovery animation state (in the case of a large incoming damage or stun).
- skill_name_level is total (with all bonuses) level of skill with the name skill_name.
- skill_name_base_level is basic (how many points have been invested in given skill by the player) level of skill with the name of skill_name.
- Term “spells” includes all the attacks which damage does not depend on the weapon damage. “Attack with a weapon” refers to all of the other attacks. For example: Amazon’s Lightning Fury main dart is an attack with a weapon, and all of the secondary bolts are considered spells. Or in case of the Exploding arrow, the arrow itself is an attack with a weapon, and the explosion is a spell. Kicks (but not Dragon Tail’s explosion) are considered as attacks with a weapon, but Smite is a spell.
- Item Events - Open Wounds, Crushing Blow, Knockback, Freezes Target, Hit Blinds Target, Hit Causes Monster to Flee, Slows Target, Chance to Cast Skill etc. “Item Event trigger” refers to the code implementation associated with these properties. In other words, if the descriptions says that “Item Events trigger chance is 50%”, and you have 25% Crushing blow, it means that a successful Crushing Blow chance in given conditions will be 12.5%.
- Advantages modify the damage before any penalties or protective modifiers are applied. They have multiplicative effect on the damage, that is to say, if one of your Advantage increases damage 2 times, and the other - 3, then the final damage will be increased 2 * 3 = 6 times.
- Combat Tricks is always the first to modify damage, Frozen Blood is the second.
- Character Advantage effects are not yet displayed in Skills/Character screen panels in the game.
- If the Advantage description mentions strength, dexterity, vitality or energy, it refers to a total (not base) current value of each parameter (not to the values at the moment of its activation).
- If the line “Requires X Skulls to work” is present in the description, it means that for the effect to be enabled, character must have at least X Skulls in his inventory or cube. Only normal quality Skulls are viable. In order to be counted properly they must be placed in the top 3 rows of your character’s Inventory/Cube/Stash.
- All the formulas are written in their “natural” forms (the way they are taught in school). This means that if you have a+b*(c+d)/e+f, you must first find a sum of c and d, multiply the result by b, divide the result by e and add the result to the sum of a and f. Voila!
- Some of the descriptions mention “Experience bonus %”. This bonus works as follows. When character enters the game, his current experience is memorized (let’s call this “initial experience”). When character then leaves the game, difference between his current and “initial experience” is calculated. If this difference is positive, then a % is taken from it and this % will be given to the character upon entering the next game (just before memorizing his “initial experience”).

Изображение Mana Channeling
Mana Channeling
Andariel Flag + Unique Ring + Fal Rune + Shael Rune + Perfect Amethyst
If energy is < 200, then character gains +2% Mana Stolen Per Hit, otherwise character gains +3% Mana Stolen Per Hit.
If Damage Taken Goes to Mana < 60%, then character receives 1.2 more mana from Damage Taken Goes to Mana, otherwise character receives 1.5 times more mana from Damage Taken Goes to Mana.
When using any kind of Mana Potion, character’s mana is immediately restored by 20 points.

Изображение Pitch Shift
Pitch Shift
Andariel Flag + Unique Ring + Lem Rune + Shael Rune + Perfect Amethyst
Barbarian physical spell damage is doubled, under the condition that this spell doesn’t additionally deal fire, cold or lightning damage. If this requirement is not met, then Barbarian physical spell damage is increased 1.1 times.
Chance of successful Find Item use is increased by 8%.
If character has Relic Seeker, then the chance of successful Find Item use is further increased by 3%.
A chance that Howl, Taunt or Grim Ward will succeed in Lands of Peril is increased by 7%.

Изображение Stoic
Andariel Flag + Unique Ring + Fal Rune + Dol Rune + Perfect Amethyst
Pain Resistance +5%.
There is a 1% chance to ignore any kind of incoming damage (elemental, poison, physical or magic)

ИзображениеFuent Motion
Fluent Motion
Andariel Flag + Unique Ring + Lem Rune + Dol Rune + Perfect Amethyst
If another player is attacking your character, there is a 15% chance, that successful Avoid or Dodge animation won't be played.
If a character is attacked by a monster, there is a (30+3*adder_level)% chance, that successful Avoid or Dodge animation won't be played.
If MAX(jab_base_level, fend_base_level) < 10, than adder_level = 0, otherwise adder_level = MAX(jab_base_level, fend_base_level).

Andariel Flag + Unique Ring + Fal Rune + Hel Rune + Perfect Amethyst
If there are no other players besides yourself in 8yd radius near the NPC, then while Gambling with this NPC, item has a (4.5 + 1.35 * relic_seeker_factor + 2 * wondrous_luck_factor)% chance to change its quality from Magic to Rare. Or to Unique with a (0.025 + 0.008 * relic_seeker_factor + 0.012 * wondrous_luck_factor)% chance.
If character has Relic Seeker, then relic_seeker_factor = 1, otherwise relic_seeker_factor = 0.
If Character has Runologist’s Wondorous Luck ability activated, then wondrous_luck_factor = 1, otherwise wondrous_luck_factor = 0.
Requires 6 skulls to work.

ИзображениеLife Channeling
Life Channeling
Andariel Flag + Unique Ring + Lem Rune + Hel Rune + Perfect Amethyst
If character has Life Stolen Per Hit on him at the moment, then character gains +2 % Life Stolen Per Hit, otherwise he gains +4% Life Stolen Per Hit.
When using any kind of Healing Potion, character’s health is immediately restored by 30 points.

ИзображениеNimble Body
Nimble Body
Andariel Flag + Unique Ring + Fal Rune + Io Rune + Perfect Amethyst
Base Attack rating is increased by 2 * dexterity / 3.
Base Defense is increased by dexterity /2.
If character is wearing full Expansion Set, and has Artificer, then his base Defense is additionally increased by strength * (65536 + 12.8 * max_hp) / 65536.

Andariel Flag + Unique Ring + Lem Rune + Io Rune + Perfect Amethyst
During the execution of the Dragon Claw skill, character has a chance to inflict additional attacks.
Immediately after hitting with the primary claw, character can inflict up to 10 additional hits. Same thing happens before striking with the secondary weapon.
Additional hits do not break the weapon, and do not remove Tiger Strike and Cobra Strike charges (while benefiting from their bonuses).
Each additional strike chance is 10% (which means 10 hits with 10% chance after primary weapon strike and 10 hits with 10% before secondary weapon strike).
Item Events triggers during these hits are at 50%.
Target for each additional strike is chosen randomly; however the closer a unit is to the target, the more chances it has to get hit by Dragon Claw’s additional hits.
Only alive unit can be targeted by the additional hits (not dying or already dead one).

ИзображениеRetain Charge
Retain Charge
Andariel Flag + Unique Ring + Fal Rune + Lum Rune + Perfect Amethyst
Character has a 12% chance of not losing Tiger and Cobra strike charges, while using Dragon Claw.

ИзображениеFlurry Improvement
Flurry Improvement
Andariel Flag + Unique Ring + Lem Rune + Lum Rune + Perfect Amethyst
A chance of additional Flurry hits becomes (MAX(100, (dexterity + 100) / 2) * (10 + 1.5 * charge) / 50 - 10)%.
Where charge is the current level of Tiger Strike charge.

ИзображениеMagnetic Field Amplification
Magnetic Field Amplification
Andariel Flag + Unique Ring + Fal Rune + Ko Rune + Perfect Amethyst
Blade shield duration is increased by 10 + 6 * blade_shield_base_level + MAX(0, energy - 100) seconds.
Blade shield bonus damage is increased (65536 + 2621 * energy) / 65536 times.
When attacking with Blade shield (10 * blade_shield_level)% Bonus To Attack Rating Is granted.
If blade_shield_base_level >= 5, then all Blade Shield attacks obtain a chance to trigger Item Events. This chance is equal to MIN(90, blade_shield_level / 2 + MAX(0, 7 * (blade_shield_base_level - 10)))%.

ИзображениеStrong Feet
Strong Feet
Andariel Flag + Unique Ring + Lem Rune + Ko Rune + Perfect Amethys
Min and max boot kick damage is increased by (strength_factor * strength_factor) / 700.
strength_factor = MAX(0, strength - 150)
Min and max boot kick damage is increased depending on the quality and durability of the current boots. (if they are not indestructible):
- Rare – by 2 * durability_factor
- Set – by durability_factor
- Unique – by durability_factor / 2
- Crafted – by 2 * durability_factor
durability_factor = MIN(100, durability)

ИзображениеThrowing Expert
Throwing Expert
Andariel Flag + Unique Ring + Fal Rune + Shael Rune + Perfect Topaz
Blade Fury physical damage (finite damage, not the bonus damage from the skill) is increased 1.5 times.
Physical damage while throwing Axes or knives is increased 1.5 times.

ИзображениеDogma of Purity
Dogma Of Purity
Andariel Flag + Unique Ring + Lem Rune + Shael Rune + Perfect Topaz
Holy Bolt damage is increased (85197 + 66 * energy) / 65536 times.
When Holy Bolt successfully damages an enemy one of the following events may happen:
1) Target’s hp will be added to the damage with a 3% chance.
2) Holy Bolt magic damage will do an area damage in (20 + energy / 40 ) / 1.5 radius to all enemies (not only to undead). The chance of this event is equal to (2 + holy_bolt_base_level / 4 + holy_bolt_level / 10 + (energy * (100 + energy / 2)) / 4000)%.
If Holy Bolt does more than 5000 damage (from both the main and area damage) on hell difficulty there’s a chance to loot additional Perfect Skull from undead. It will fall on the ground where the target was slain.
A chance of this happening is ((5 * (holy_bolt_level + energy / 16) + ransack_adder) / 1000)%
ransack_adder = 40, if character has Ransack, and is 0 if it has none.
If Holy Bolt damages enemy, player heals for damage / 1500 health points.

Andariel Flag + Unique Ring + Fal Rune + Dol Rune + Perfect Topaz
Melee attack against the character (except Smite) has a chance to miss, if he is holding a weapon suitable for parry in his hand.
Parry happens before blocking (and other methods of protection). You can parry while moving. Parry does not interrupt the actions of your character.
Parry chance is equal to (max_weapon_parry_chance + dexterity / 200)%.
max_weapon_parry_chance is the max parry chance among all of the weapons equipped by the character in the active weapon tab.
One can only parry with daggers (throwing daggers not included) and some swords.
While wearing full Sazabi’s Grand Tribute, parry chance with Sazabi’s Cobalt Redeemer is 30%
While wearing Bul-Kathos’ Children, parry chance with Bul-Kathos’ Tribal Guardian and Bul-Kathos Sacred charge is 25%
Grief runeword has 0% parry chance.
Silence and spirit runewords each have 5% parry chance.
All the other swords parry chance depends on their wsm:
- wsm = -10 : chance = 10%
- wsm = -15 : chance = 11%
- wsm = -20 : chance = 13%
- wsm = -30 : chance = 15%
Swords with different wsm can’t parry.
Wizardspike and Spectral Shard daggers have 5% parry chance.
All the other daggers parry chance depends on their wsm, character class and the type of attacking unit:
- wsm = 0 : chance = 10%
- wsm = -10 : chance = 12%
- wsm = -20 : chance = 15%
When parrying with necromancer, 15 is add to the parry chance if attacked by monster and 5 is added if attacked by player.
Wsm stands for weapon speed modifier. You can look for it multiple sources, for example on Arreat Summit you can find it as [Weapon speed].

ИзображениеSpiked Boots
Spiked Boots
Andariel Flag + Unique Ring + Lem Rune + Dol Rune + Perfect Topaz
Character has a 7% chance to ignore knockback.
Min and max boot kick damage is increased by 5.

ИзображениеInner Energy Reserves
Inner Energy Reserves
Andariel Flag + Unique Ring + Fal Rune + Hel Rune + Perfect Topaz
Magic damage is increased 1.1 times.
- Doesn’t increase spell damage cast by Paladin (except Holy bolt and Sanctuary)
- Doesn’t increase pvp damage for spells cast by Necromancer (except when his enemy is energy shield sorceress).
- Necromancers deal 1.15 more spell damage against monsters.
Cold/Freeze Duration attacks against the character are multiplied by 0.85. (which means that your character unfreezes faster)

ИзображениеWrath of Nature
Wrath Of Nature
Andariel Flag + Unique Ring + Lem Rune + Hel Rune + Perfect Topaz
This advantage works for Druid Fire spells.
If spell has positive fire damage, than fire damage is multiplied by 2.8 times, physical spell damage is multiplied by 2.5 times, a value is added to the physical spell damage which is equal to 0.1 * fire_dmg, where fire_dmg is fire spell damage after the Wrath of Nature bonus is applied.
Otherwise fire spell damage is multiplied by 2.5, and spell additionally deals physical damage equal to 0.05*fire_dmg.
Players receive half of resulted damage, monsters – full damage.

ИзображениеDreadful Chop
Dreadful Chop
Andariel Flag + Unique Ring + Fal Rune + Io Rune + Perfect Topaz
Physical damage with two-handed axes is increased 1.07 times.
Barbarian magic damage with two-handed axes is increase 1.07 times.
If enemy has hp >= 0.85 * max_hp, than one has a chance to lower enemy hp by 0.25 * max_hp while using two-handed axe.
This chance is equal to (20 + strength / 15)%.
HP reduction occurs before the main damage and crushing blow are applied.
If more than 1000 successful hits were made in a game with two-handed axe, than all of the blood rush points (those that have already been counted or will be counted in the future) are increased by 4%
If more than 200 successful hits were made with two-handed axe in the game, than player will receive 6.25% bonus to experience.

ИзображениеFlesh Smasher
Flesh Smasher
Andariel Flag + Unique Ring + Lem Rune + Io Rune + Perfect Topaz
Physical damage with two-handed hammers is increased 1.11 times.
Barbarian magic damage with two-handed hammers is increase 1.11 times.
When hitting a monster that has damage resistance less than 90% with a two-handed hammer, there is a chance to lower their damage resistance by 5%
This chance is equal to (6 + 0.045 * MAX(0, strength - 200))%.
Damager Resistance reduction occurs before the main damage and crushing blow are applied. Damage Resistance can be reduced up to -100%. When Damage Resistance was successfully reduced monster turns red.
If more than 1000 successful hits were made in a game with two-handed hammer, than all of the blood rush points (those that have already been counted or will be counted in the future) are increased by 4%
If more than 200 successful hits with two-handed hammer were made in the game, than player will receive 6.25% bonus to experience.

ИзображениеPolearm Expert
Polearm Expert
Andariel Flag + Unique Ring + Fal Rune + Lum Rune + Perfect Topaz

Physical damage with Polearms and Spears is increased 1.16 times.
Barbarian magic damage with Polearms and Spears is increase 1.16 times.
There is a 3% chance to deal double physical (and magic damage for barbarians) damage when attacking with Polearm or Spear. This feature doubles the damage even after Deadly/Critical strike happens.
If more than 1000 successful hits were made in a game with Polearm or Spear, than all of the blood rush points (those that have already been counted or will be counted in the future) are increased by 4%
If more than 200 successful hits with Polearm or Spear were made in the game, than player will receive 6.25% bonus to experience.

Andariel Flag + Unique Ring + Lem Rune + Lum Rune + Perfect Topaz
When wearing full expansion set, shrine blessings last (98304 + 26 * energy) / 65536 times longer.
For each complete Expansion Set equipped character damage output (physical, magical, elemental, poison, Crushing Blow, Open Wounds) is multiplied by the following values:
Natalya's Odium 1.15
Aldur's Watchtower 1.25
Immortal King 1.15
Tal Rasha's Wrappings 1.15
Griswold's Legacy 1.15
Trang-Oul's Avatar 1.15
M'avina's Battle Hymn 1.15
The Disciple 1.2
Heaven's Brethren 1.45
Orphan's Call 1.35
Hwanin's Majesty 1.5
Sazabi's Grand Tribute 1.5
Bul-Kathos' Children 1.25
Cow King's Leathers 1.15
Naj's Ancient Set 1.4
Sander's Folly 1.2
Exception: In pvp lightning damage when wearing Griswold’s Legay is multiplied by 1.066.
For each complete Expansion Set equipped incoming damage (physical, magical, elemental, poison, Crushing Blow, Open Wounds) is multiplied by the following values:
Natalya's Odium 0.85
Aldur's Watchtower 0.8
Immortal King 0.85
Tal Rasha's Wrappings 0.85
Griswold's Legacy 0.85
Trang-Oul's Avatar 0.85
M'avina's Battle Hymn 0.85
The Disciple 0.8
Heaven's Brethren 0.6
Orphan's Call 0.75
Hwanin's Majesty 0.75
Sazabi's Grand Tribute 0.75
Bul-Kathos' Children 0.85
Cow King's Leathers 0.85
Naj's Ancient Set 0.75
Sander's Folly 0.8

In addition to that, some of the sets gain special properties:
1) Aldur’s Watchtower
Cold and physical damage against monsters, that are not demons or undead is multiplied by 1.2.
If character has Improved Metamorphosis, than while being in Werewolf and Werebear forms he additionally gains 150% Extra Gold from Monsters & +13 Velocity (Velocity is also provided by such skills as Vigor, Burst of Speed, Frenzy, Feral Rage).
2) Mavina’s Battle Hymn
If character has Fluent Motion, than its success chance is increased by 8%.
Damage (physical, magical, elemental, and poison) against bosses (Act bosses, “Ubers”, Blood Raven, Griswold, Radament, The Summoner, Izual, Nihlathak) is multiplied by 1.3.
Damage (physical, magical, elemental, and poison) against sorceresses is multiplied by 1.4.
Incoming damage (physical, magical, elemental, and poison) from sorceresses is multiplied by 0.8.
Each successful weapon attack additionally deals damage equal to 20 + MAX(0, frw - 50) / 4, where frw is a sum of all Faster Run/Walk from your items. This damage cannot be increased or reduced by any means.
Valkirie damage (physical, magical, elemental, and poison) is multiplied by 1.15.
Incoming damage against Valkirie is multiplied by 0.1.

3) Heaven’s Brethren
Character has a 80% chance to ignore block animation (that stops an attack).
Base Attack Rating is increased by 150 * MAX(advantages_num, 10), and base Defense is increased by 80 * MAX(advantages_num, 10), where advantages_num is the number of Character Advantages activated.
Crushing blow chance from items is increased 1.5 times. This feature is applied before Devastating Blow and Steel Muscles effects.
When attacking with weapons there is a chance to deal lightning and physical area damage (not more than once per frame) in 8 yd radius (requires 10 skulls to work). In 6.66 yd radius the damage is full, if the distance to the target is more than 6.66 yd, than only half damage is done.
This area damage is considered spell, and it’s damage can be modified by the corresponding advantages.
Physical damage of the explosion equals 0.1724 * (phys_dmg + barb_magic_dmg + 0.125 * fire_dmg + 0.25 * (cold_dmg + light_dmg)), where phys_dmg, fire_dmg, cold_dmg, light_dmg – damage types (after all the other advantages that increase damage are applied) with corresponding weapon type, barb_magic_dmg – magic damage (after all the other advantages that increase damage are applied) with weapons for Barbarians (for all the other classes this is 0)
Lightning damage is 1 (to visually represent the area).
4) Orphan’s Call
Weapon doesn’t lose durability upon attack. If character is wielding Magic, Rare or Crafted type of weapon, then his weapon physical damage (for barbarians magic attacks as well) is multiplied by 1.3, if weapon quality is Set or Unique, then weapon physical damage is increased 1.07 times.
Blood Rush points for killing monsters receive 6.25% bonus.
If character has Mana Channeling, than each mana potion additionally immediately restores 50 mana points.
If character has Life Channeling, than each life potion additionally immediately restores 75 health points.
5) Bul-Kathos’ Children
Magic damage is increased 1.2 times.
Incoming damage (physical, magical, elemental, and poison) from demons is multiplied by 0.88. Find Item successful chance is increased by 10%.
6) Cow King’s Leathers
Damage to Hell Bovines is increased 1.2 times.
Upon killing Hell Bovine on hell difficulty there is a 0.3% chance to get Perfect Sapphire directly to your inventory.
Upon killing Hell Bovine on hell difficulty there is a 0.1% chance to get Perfect Ruby directly to your inventory.
Static field damage is multiplied by 1.07.
Damage output (physical, magical, elemental, and poison) is multiplied by 1.2 (requires 7 skulls to work) in exchange for constant consumption of gold. This works as follows: all the time is divided into 1 second intervals. If in the current second character deals damage (physical, magical, elemental, and poison), he is simultaneously trying to pay for his attack if he has enough gold, than bonus damage is applied). The fee is 750 gold in normal games and 1500 in Lands of Peril. The moment of applying poison damage is but a moment of monster intoxication.

Andariel Flag + Unique Ring + Fal Rune + Ko Rune + Perfect Topaz
For each successful monster kill (for one that rewards you with an experience and drops loot upon his death) with a Polearm or Spear weapon type, a value of a special counter is increased by 1. If killing of another monster occurs in a different location, the value of this counter will be reset to zero.
Physical weapon damage with a Polearm or Spear is multiplied by a “multiplier” value.
Barbarian magic weapon damage with a Polearm or Spear is multiplied by a “multiplier” value.
multiplier = MIN(2.8, (65536 + 328 * counter) / 65536)
where “counter” is the current value of the counter.

ИзображениеExplosion Of Magma
Explosion Of Magma
Andariel Flag + Unique Ring + Lem Rune + Ko Rune + Perfect Topaz
Whenever you cast a Volcano, an explosion of magma occurs with an epicenter at the place of Volcano eruption. The explosion deals its full damage at 4.66 yd and half damage at 10 yd. The explosion does physical and fire damage. Physical damage equals to volcano_level * 6.5352 * (65536 + 7864 * molten_bolder_base_level) / 65536. Fire damage equals to volcano_level * 17.2617 * (65536 + 7864 * (fissure_base_Level + armageddon_base_level)) / 65536. +X% To Fire Skill Damage is applied to fire damage

ИзображениеSpiritual Shield
Spiritual Shield
Andariel Flag + Unique Ring + Fal Rune + Shael Rune + Perfect Sapphire
If character’s base Telekinesis level is not more than 1, and Energy Shield is not active, then all the incoming damage (physical, magic, poison, elemental, open wounds) is multiplied by (65536 - 70 * MAX(0, energy - 75)) / 65536.

ИзображениеSteel Muscles
Steel Muscles
Andariel Flag + Unique Ring + Lem Rune + Shael Rune + Perfect Sapphire
Physical damage with weapons is increased by (65536 + 100 * strength_factor) / 65536 Barbarian magical damage with weapons is increased by (65536 + 100 * strength_factor) / 65536 Pain Resistance is increased by (strength_factor / 15)% Crushing blow chance is increased by (strength_factor / 17)% strength_factor = MAX(0, strength - 190)

ИзображениеProficient Envenomer
Proficient Envenomer
Andariel Flag + Unique Ring + Fal Rune + Dol Rune + Perfect Sapphire
Amazons are granted with a 1.2 times increased poison damage versus players and 1.4 against monsters.
Druid’s poison damage is increased 1.15 times.
Assassins deal 1.08 more poison damage versus players and 1.25 more against monsters.
Other classes are granted with a 1.1 times increased poison damage.

ИзображениеDevastating Blow
Devastating Blow
Andariel Flag + Unique Ring + Lem Rune + Dol Rune + Perfect Sapphire
If Crushing Blow chance (before Steel Muscles is applied) is equal or more than 40% and less than 95%, crushing blow chance will be increased by 2.5.
If Crushing Blow chance (after Steel Muscles and Devastating Blow bonuses are applied) is more than 90%, then a character will have a chance to deal double Crushing Blow Damage.
This chance is equal to (crushing_blow_chance - 90)%.

ИзображениеDeep Wounds
Deep Wounds
Andariel Flag + Unique Ring + Fal Rune + Hel Rune + Perfect Sapphire
Characters mana is restored by 2points, per successful Open wounds proc.
Open Wounds damage versus players is multiplied by 1.05.
Open Wounds damage against monsters is multiplied by 1.2.
If Open Wounds chance (after Improved Metamorphosis bonus is applied) is more than a 100%, open wounds damage will be additionally multiplied by (65536 + 200 * (open_wounds_chance - 100)) / 65536. If character has Proficient Envenomer, then successful Open Wounds will additionally increase poison damage 1.05 times.

ИзображениеCharging Boost
Charging Boost
Andariel Flag + Unique Ring + Lem Rune + Hel Rune + Perfect Sapphire
Maul and Feral Rage charges lifespan is increased by 4 seconds.
Frenzy charge lifespan is increased by 1.52 seconds.
Physical damage is multiplied by a “multiplier” value.
Barbarian magic damage is multiplied by a “multiplier” value.
Druid fire and poison damage is multiplied by a “multiplier” value.
If character has Frozen Blood, then his cold damage will be multiplied by a “multiplier” value.
If Character has Master of Sparks, his lightning damage will be multiplied by a “multiplier” value.
Where multiplier = 1 + 0.0145 * charge.
Where charge is the level of Maul, Feral Rage of Frenzy charges.
With Frenzy character is able to accumulate charge up to a skill_level.
With Maul and Feral Rage character is able accumulate charge up to skill_level/2+3

ИзображениеMortal Strike
Mortal Strike
Andariel Flag + Unique Ring + Fal Rune + Io Rune + Perfect Sapphire
If character has a Deadly Strike chance that exceeds 100%, then his physical damage with weapons will be multiplied by a “multiplier” value.
If Barbarian has a Deadly Strike chance that exceeds 100%, then his magic damage with weapons will be multiplied by a “multiplier” value.
For One-handed weapons multiplier = (65536 + (262 * 75 * deadly_strike_factor) / (75 + deadly_strike_factor)) / 65536.
For Two-handed weapons multiplier = (65536 + 262 * deadly_strike_factor) / 65536.
deadly_strike_factor = deadly_strike_chance – 100

ИзображениеMaster Of Sparks
Master Of Sparks
Andariel Flag + Unique Ring + Lem Rune + Io Rune + Perfect Sapphire
Charged Bolt damage is multiplied by (65536 + 2458 * (thunder_storm_base_level + static_field_base_level)) / 65536.
Thunder Storm damage is multiplied by (65536 + 3605 * static_field_base_level) / 65536.
Static Field damage increases 1.07 times.
On hell difficulty Static Field damages the enemy in case if his current_hp > (0.5 - 0.0025 * static_field_base_level) * max_hp.
Pain Resistance is increased by ((charged_bolts_base_level + thunder_storm_base_level + static_field_base_level) / 10)%.

ИзображениеImproved Metamorphosis
Improved Metamorphosis
Andariel Flag + Unique Ring + Fal Rune + Lum Rune + Perfect Sapphire
Characters in a Werewolf, Werebear, and Bone Fetish get additional 100% Extra Gold From Monsters and +27 Velocity (Velocity is also provided by such skills as Vigor, Burst of Speed, Frenzy, Feral Rage).
Characters in a Werewolf and Werebear forms ignore incoming Blizzard and Blessed Hammer damage with a 66% chance.
Characters in a Werewolf and Werebear forms deal 1.1 more fire damage.
Character in a Warewolf form gets:
- Pain Resistance +10%.
- If there is an Open Wounds chance, it will be increased by 5%.
- Physical damage is multiplied by 1.1.
- Poison damage against monsters is multiplied by 1.3, versus players by 1.15.
- Incoming damage (physical, magic, elemental, poison) is multiplied by 0.95.
In a Werebear form character gets:
- Pain Resistance +25%
- Crushing blow damage is multiplied by 1.2.
- Physical damage is multiplied by 1.3.
- Incoming damage (physical, magic, elemental, poison) is multiplied by 0.85.

ИзображениеExperienced Traveler
Experienced Traveler
Andariel Flag + Unique Ring + Lem Rune + Lum Rune + Perfect Sapphire
During walking, running or charging there is a 10% chance that enemy’s attacks will not damage your armor.
During walking, running or charging character has additional mana regeneration – 4.88 mp per second of movement.
During walking, running or charging character receives 100 gold per second of his movement.
Mana regeneration and gold adding does not occur during movement in town.
Gold is will first be added to the stash, if stash is full, it will be added to the characters pockets. When pockets are full no more gold will be added.
Min and max boot kick damage are increased by 4.
During Charge there is a MIN(95, 10 + 0.2 * MAX(0, dexterity - 120))% chance to ignore all of the incoming damage (elemental, physical and magic).

Andariel Flag + Unique Ring + Fal Rune + Ko Rune + Perfect Sapphire
Uber Diablo, Uber Mephisto and Uber Baal have a (20 + 0.4 * MAX(0, character_level - 80) + 2 * relic_seeker_factor)% chance to drop an additional Standard of Heroes upon death (directly to the inventory).
Uber Diablo, Uber Mephisot and Uber Baal have a (30 + 0.8 * MAX(0, character_level - 80) + 3 * relic_seeker_factor)% chance to drop a random magic grand charm ilvl=99 (directly to the inventory) upon death.
Uber Diablo, Uber Mephisto and Uber Baal have a 33.3% chance to drop an additional Perfect Diamond upon death (directly to the inventory).
Diablo Clone, Uber Diablo, Uber Mephisto and Uber Baal have a (0.1 + 0.001 * MAX(0, character_level - 80) + 0.01 * relic_seeker_factor)% chance to drop Sur rune (directly to the inventory) upon death.
Uber Diablo, Uber Mephisto and Uber Baal have a 50% chance do drop an additional Perfect Ruby (directly to the inventory).
Diablo Clone always drops a random magic small charm and magic grand charm ilvl=99 (directly to the inventory) upon death.
If character has Relic Seeker, then relic_seeker_factor=1, otherwise relic_seeker_factor=0.

ИзображениеStaff Evocation
Staff Evocation
Andariel Flag + Unique Ring + Lem Rune + Ko Rune + Perfect Sapphire
If character is holding a staff in his hands, his fire, cold and lightning damage will be multiplied by 1.2, magic damage by 1.15 and physical damage by 1.07.
If character is holding a staff in his hands, there is a (10 + 0.008 * energy)% chance to ignore all of the incoming damage (elemental, poison, physical and magic).

ИзображениеCombat Tricks
Combat Tricks
Andariel Flag + Unique Ring + Fal Rune + Shael Rune + Perfect Emerald
This advantage works for a weapon attacks that deal physical damage. If the sum of fire, cold, lightning and magic damage is lower than the half of the physical damage, then:
-Fire cold and lightning damage will be increased 1.8 times
-If magic damage is lower than 500, and attack was fired with a bow, then magic damage will be increased 1.35 times, otherwise – magic damage will be doubled.
Otherwise, if the sum of fire, cold, lightning and magic damage is more than a doubled physical damage, then fire cold and lighting damage will be increased 1.25 times, magic and poison damage - 1.05 times.

ИзображениеEnhanced Blast
Enhanced Blast
Andariel Flag + Unique Ring + Lem Rune + Shael Rune + Perfect Emerald
Fire and cold damage from Exploding Arrow, Immolation Arrow and Freezing arrow explosions is multiplied by (72090 + 92 * energy + unstoppable_wave_adder) / 65536.
If character has Unstoppable wave advantage, then unstoppable_wave_adder = 6554, if he doesn’t , unstoppable_wave_adder = 0.
If character has Unstoppable wave advantage, then explosion radius of Exploding Arrow and Freezing arrow will be increased by 0.66yd, and Immolation Arrow’s explosion by 1.33yd.
If character has Proficient Envenomer, then explosion additionally deals 0.2*damage poison damage over 1 second, where the damage equals to the elemental damage of the explosion (after Enhanced Blast bonus is applied).

ИзображениеAdvanced Servants
Advanced Servants
Andariel Flag + Unique Ring + Fal Rune + Dol Rune + Perfect Emerald
Hydra damage is increased 1.45 times.
Hydra damage is additionally multiplied by (65536 + 1966 * warmth_base_level) / 65536
Hydra head strike has a 2.5% chance of a Knockback.
Hydra lifespan is increased by 3 seconds.

Wake of Inferno damage is increased 2.8 times.
Wake of Fire damage is increased 1.15 times.

Valkyrie gains additional 20% attackrate (attack rate is provided by skills like Fanaticism, Burst of Speed, Frenzy etc.) and 30% velocity.
Valkyrie gains Damage +X property (same as on the Grief runeword), where X= 6 * valkyrie_level + 4 * (jab_base_level + fend_base_level).
Valkyrie gains additional 40 * valkyrie_level + 20 * (jab_base_level + fend_base_level) attack rating.
Valkyrie gains (5 + valkyrie_level / 2)% Crushing Blow.

Necromancer’s Revives damage (physical, magic, poison, elemental) is increased 1.35 times.
Incoming damage (physical, magic, poison, elemental) versus Necromancer’s Golems is multiplied by 0.666.
Necromancer’s Golem damage output (physical, magic, poison, elemental) is multiplied by (65536 + 13107 * (clay_golem_base_level + blood_golem_base_level + iron_golem_base_level + fire_golem_base_level)) / 65536.

Spirit wolf, Dire Wolf, And Grizzly physical damage output is increased 1.15 times.
Physical damage is added to Poison Creeper attack (each of its fragment) that is equal to 50 + 5 * poison_creeper_base_level.
If character has Steel Muscles, then Spirit Wolf, Dire Wolf and Grizzly damage output will be additionally increased 1.07 times.
If character has Wrath of Nature, then Spirit Wolf, Dire Wolf and Grizzly fire damage output will be additionally increased 1.1 times.
If character has Frozen Blood, then Spirit Wolf, Dire Wolf and Grizzly cold damage output will be doubled.
If character has Master of Sparks, then Spirit Wolf, Dire Wolf and Grizzly weapon lightning damage (melee attacks of these creatures are considered weapon attacks) will be doubled, and increased 1.1 times for other types of attack.
If character has Proficient Envenomer, then Spirit Wolf, Dire Wolf, Grizzly and Poison Creeper poison damage output will be quadrupled.
If character has Inner Energy Reserves, then Spirit Wolf, Dire Wolf and Grizzly magic damage output will be doubled.
Spirit Wolf, Dire Wolf, Grizzly, Oak Sage and Heart of Wolverine gain 10% Damage Resistance.
Spirit Wolf, Dire Wolf and Grizzly gain 10% attackrate.
Spirit Wolf, Dire Wolf, Grizzly, Oak Sage, Heart of Wolverine and Spirit of Barbs gain 20% velocity.
Incoming damage (physical, magic, poison, elemental) against Oak Sage and Heart of Wolverine is multiplied by 0.9.
When Poison Creeper, Carrion Vine or Solar Creeper are underground (which means they do not attack or eat corpses at the moment), one of the following may happen:
1) There is a 33.3% chance that incoming damage against them(physical, magic, poison, elemental) will by multiplied by 0.05
2) There is a 66.7% chance that incoming damage against them will be multiplied by 0.5.
Spirit Wolf, Dire Wolf, Grizzly, Oak Sage, Heart of Wolverine and Spirit of Barbs gain bonuses that are based on the properties of the weapon character is wielding at the time when summoning occurs.
These bonuses will only apply if weapon quality is Magic, Rare, Set, Unique or Crafted. Set bonuses or Bonuses from socketed runes or gems do not apply.
Spirit Wolf receive bonuses in case spirit_wolf_base_level >= 10.
Dire Wolf receive bonuses in case dire_wolf_base_level >= 10.
Grizzly receive bonuses in case grizzly_base_level >= 10.
Oak Sage, Heart of Wolverine и Spirit of receive bonuses in case spirit_wolf_base_level + dire_wolf_base_level + grizzly_base_level >= 10.
Overall rate of transmission of bonuses “multiplier”= beast_multiplier * (874 * (spirit_wolf_base_level + dire_wolf_base_level + grizzly_base_level) + 100 * (spirit_wolf_level + dire_wolf_level + grizzly_level)) / 65536.
beast_multiplier goes as follows:
- For Spirit Wolf - 0.6.
- For Dire Wolf - 1.
- For Grizzly - 1.3.
- For Oak Sage, Heart of Wolverine и Spirit of Barbs - 1

Bonuses are applied as follows:
- If the weapon has +X To All Skills, +X Life, +X To Life (Based On Character Level) or Increase Maximum Life X%, then this property is transferred to beasts and spirits with the value of X * multiplier.
- If the weapon has Fire Resist X%, Cold Resist X%, Lightning Resist X%, Poison Resist X% or All Resistances +X, then this property is transferred to beasts and spirits with the value of 20 * X / (X + 100) * multiplier.
- If the weapon has Half Freeze Duration or Cannot Be Frozen, then this property is transferred to beasts and spirits with the value of (100 * multiplier)%.
- If the weapon has +X Defense then this property is transferred to beasts and spirits (Spirit of Barbs not included) with the value of X * multiplier.
- If the weapon has +X% Enhanced Defense or Damage Reduced By X%, then this property is transferred to beasts and spirits (Spirit of Barbs not included) with the value of 1.5 * X * multiplier
- If the weapon has X% Faster Run/Walk, then this property is transferred to beasts and spirits with the value of X * multiplier.
- If the weapon has X% Increased Attack Speed, then this property is transferred to beasts with the value of X * multiplier.
- If the weapon has Knockback, then this property is transferred to beasts with the value of (100 * multiplier) %.
- If the weapon has +X to Attack Rating or +X To Attack Rating (Based On Character Level) then this property is transferred to beasts with the value of 2 * X * multiplier.
- If the weapon has Damage +Х, X% Bonus To Attack Rating, X% Bonus To Attack Rating (Based On Character Level), X% Chance of Open Wounds, X% Chance of Crushing Blow, X% Deadly Strike, Freezes Target +X, X% Chance To Cast Level Y [Skill Name] On Striking, X% Chance To Cast Level Y [Skill Name] On Attack, X% Chance To Cast Level Y [Skill Name] When You Kill An Enemy or X% Chance To Cast Level Y [Skill Name] When You Die then this property is transferred to beasts with the value of X * multiplier.
- If the weapon has X% Deadly Strike (Based On Character Level), then this property is transferred to beasts with the value of X * multiplier / 3.
- If the weapon has Adds X-Y Z Damage, where Z - Fire, Cold, Lightning, Poison or Magic, then this property is transferred to beasts with the value of 1.5 * X * multiplier.
- If the weapon has X% Extra Gold From Monsters, X% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items, X% Extra Gold From Monsters (Based On Character Level) or X% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items (Based On Character Level), then this property is transferred to beasts with the value of 1.5 * X * multiplier.
- If the weapon has +X% Enhanced Damage, +Х% Enhanced Maximum Damage (Based On Character Level), +X% Damage To Undead, +X% Damage To Demons, +X% Damage To Undead (Based On Character Level) or +X% Damage To Demons (Based On Character Level), then this property is transferred to beasts with the value of 1.2 * X * multiplier.
- If the weapon has Slows Target By X%, then this property is transferred to beasts and spirits with the value of 0.5 * X * multiplier.
- If the weapon has Level X [Skill Name] Aura When Equipped, then this property is transferred to Grizzly with the value of X * multiplier.
- If the weapon is Indestructible, than Damage Reduced By 3% is added to beasts and spirits (Spirit of barbs not included).
- If the weapon has +X To Strength, then Spirit Wolf and Dire Wolf receive +(2 * X * multiplier)% Enhanced Damage, and Grizzly receives +(4 * X * multiplier)% Enhanced Damage.
- If the weapon has +X To Dexterity, then Spirit Wolf and Dire Wolf receive + (4 * X * multiplier)% Enhanced Damage, and Grizzly receives +(2 * X * multiplier)% Enhanced Damage.

ИзображениеUnstoppable Wave
Unstoppable Wave
Andariel Flag + Unique Ring + Lem Rune + Dol Rune + Perfect Emerald
War Cry damage is increased 1.35 times.
Shock Wave damage versus players is doubled.
Shock Wave damage against monsters is increased 1.55 times.
In addition Shock wave damage is multiplied by (65536 + 3277 * (fire_claws_base_level + hunger_base_level) + 3932 * maul_base_level) / 6553.

Andariel Flag + Unique Ring + Fal Rune + Hel Rune + Perfect Emerald
If character has 0.5 * max_hp <= current_hp < 0.75 * max_hp, then his damage (physical, magic, elemental, poison) will be multiplied by 1.03. In addition character will have a 3% chance to ignore all of the incoming damage (physical, magic, elemental, and poison).
If character has 0.25 * max_hp <= current_hp < 0.5 * max_hp, then his damage (physical, magic, elemental, poison) will multiplied by 1.05. In addition character will have a 5% chance to ignore all of the incoming damage.
If character has 0 current_hp < 0.25 * max_hp, then his damage (physical, magic, elemental, poison) will be multiplied by 1.07. In addition character will have a 7% chance to ignore all of the incoming damage.

ИзображениеFrozen Blood
Frozen Blood
Andariel Flag + Unique Ring + Lem Rune + Hel Rune + Perfect Emerald
Cold/Freeze Duration done by the character is increased 1.1 times.
If character has Frozen Armor, Shiver Armor or Chilling Armor activated, than all of the incoming damage (physical, magic, elemental, poison) will be multiplied by 1 - 0.0075 * (frozen_armor_base_level + shiver_armor_base_level + chilling_armor_base_level). Thus there is a 3% chance that the damage reduction effect will only work partially (instead of 0.0075 factor value will be 0.00375) and a 2% chance that it will not work at all.
If character deals cold damage, than it will be increased by:
a) 250, if character is not a Sorceress
b) 100+4 * (frozen_armor_base_level + shiver_armor_base_level + chilling_armor_base_level), if character is Sorceress.
In addition cold damage spells cast by Assassins and paladins is multiplied by 1.2

ИзображениеOverwhelming Rage
Overwhelming Rage
Andariel Flag + Unique Ring + Fal Rune + Io Rune + Perfect Emerald
Blood Rush pause time is increased by 2 minutes.
Upon getting a Blood Rush reward character is additionally rewarded with 100 000 gold.
Bonus experience received for completion of Blood Rush quest is multiplied by 1.15.
Upon rewarding a player for a successful completion of Blood Rush, 0.47 + MAX(0, character_level - 80) / 100 is added to reward_value.

ИзображениеContinuous Training
Continuous Training
Andariel Flag + Unique Ring + Lem Rune + Io Rune + Perfect Emerald
Damage (physical, magic, elemental, poison) of your minions (including mercenaries, traps, hydra, revives, etc.) against monsters is multiplied by 1 + 0.15 * seconds / 3600m where sconds – is the time elapsed since character joined this particular game.

ИзображениеExtraordinary Dedication
Extraordinary Dedication
Andariel Flag + Unique Ring + Fal Rune + Lum Rune + Perfect Emerald
Damage (physical, magic, elemental, poison) of your minions (including mercenaries, traps, hydra, revives, etc.) is increased 1.3 times; however, the incoming damage against your character will be also increased 1.5 times.
Requires 6 skulls to be enabled.

ИзображениеRelic Seeker
Relic Seeker
Andariel Flag + Unique Ring + Lem Rune + Lum Rune + Perfect Emerald
Monsters (that can reward player with experience and loot) in Matron’s Den, Forgotten Sands and Furnace of Pain may drop (directly to the inventory) additional items upon death:
- Random magic Grand charm (ilvl= 85) with a 1.5% chance.
- Ist rune with a 0.025% chance.
- Gul rune with a 0.0125% chance.
- Random Skiller of Vita (Grand charm, which increases by 1 the value of a particular skill tabs. Tabs which are more popular among the players have a greater chance of occurrence, rather than the less popular) with a 0.002% chance.

ИзображениеArmor Knowledge
Armor Knowledge
Andariel Flag + Unique Ring + Lem Rune + Ko Rune + Perfect Emerald
If barbarian is in Concentrate state (he goes in this mode upon using Concentrate skill), he receives the following bonuses:
- Incoming damage(physical, magic, elemental, poison) is reduced twice.
- Attacks with weapons that deal magic damage have their damage increased 1.3 times, physical skill damage - 1.5 times.
- Blood rush points received for killing monsters are increased by 6.25%
When Amazon deals damage against enemies at 9.33 yd or less distance and those enemies are under the influence of Inner Sight skill, then physical damage that this enemy will receive from Amazon attack is multiplied by (65536 + 983 * inner_sight_base_level) / 65536.

Andariel Flag + Unique Ring + Fal Rune + Ko Rune + Perfect Emerald
Character can now perform Rune Magic. See [url=[img]]this thread[/url] for more info.

When using C3PO, Auto Squelch Noisy Chat messages and Auto Corpse Mode options must be disabled. (tab “Key Config”, group “More Auto Options”).

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