Lands of Peril

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Модератор: Администраторы Diablo II

Сообщение $ur0k » 14 окт 2013, 20:13

“Lands of Peril” is an alternative reality of the Sanctuary world, in which the forces of Evil are extremely powerful. Being in Lands of Peril may prove itself extremely dangerous, since the monsters there are much stronger and even the laws of nature are distorted by the defiling presence of the foul creatures of darkness and chaos. However as hard as it is, it may also prove to be very rewarding.
It is as easy to get to the Lands of Peril as to die there. To enter Lands of Peril, all you need to do is create a Ladder Expansion Game on Hell difficulty that starts with a word peril.
Many item effects and spells work differently in the Lands of Peril. Some may not work at all, some may not always work and some may have additional penalties. In addition, players may be faced with perils that are not found in the normal game. Player has to independently explore this world step by step and learn its laws. Keep your eyes open, and don’t go rampage! Lands of Peril may be tough to crack for some solo characters, so a reliable companion can come in handy.
So why one should go on a suicide mission like this? The answer is easy. As tough as this place is it as also very rewarding. Here is the more detailed list of reasons:
1) There is a 350% bonus experience gained in Lands of Peril
This bonus works the following way. Upon entering a game, character’s current experience is remembered (let’s call this one “initial experience”). Upon leaving the game, the difference between his current and “initial” experience will be calculated. If this difference is positive, then 350% will be taken from it, then to the resulting number Character Advantages bonuses are applied (Dreadful Chop, Flesh Smasher and Polearm Expert), the result will be given to the player as a bonus experience upon his next game entry (just before the next “initial” experience is remembered).
2) There is an additional reward for killing act bosses in the Lands of Peril.
This reward will only be given to the character who made the killing blow on a boss (character’s minions are counted as well). The reward will be placed directly to the character’s inventory (or on the ground, if the inventory is full).
Character may be rewarded with the following items (even all at once):
- Hadriel Flag with a chance of 1.5 * base_chance
- Случайный Unique Elite Weapon/Armor with a chance of base_chance
- Vex Rune with a chance of 0.6 * base_chance
- Случайный Skiller of Vita with a chance of 0.2 * base_chance

For Andariel base_chance = 0.4%.
For Duriel base_chance = 0.4%
For Mephisto base_chance = 0.4%.
For Diablo base_chance = 1.666%.
For Baal base_chance = 1.666%.
Skiller of Vita is a Grand Charm of Vita (+(36-40) to Life), that increases all the skills of the specific skill tab by 1. More popular skill tabs among players have an increased chance to be generated.
Random Unique Elite Weapon/Armor – is a random item from the following list (the probability is the same for each item)
Код: Выделить всё
 The Redeemer, Griffon's Eye, Jade Talon, Ondal's Wisdom, Andariel's Visage,
Messerschmidt's Reaver, Lightsabre, Azurewrath, Fleshripper, Harlequin Crest,
Rune Master, Eschuta's Temper, Stone Crusher, Schaefer's Hammer, Sandstorm Trek,
Shadow Dancer, Crown of Ages, Marrowwalk, Doombringer, Tomb Reaver,
Dracul's Grasp, Wolfhowl, Arachnid Mesh, Demon Limb, Widowmaker,
Nosferatu's Coil, Lacerator, Leviathan, Heaven's Light, Astreon's Iron Ward,
The Grandfather, Stormlash, Horizon's Tornado, Nightwing's Veil, Veil of Steel,
Earth Shifter, The Cranium Basher, Windforce, Death Cleaver, Death's Web,
Hellslayer, Ormus' Robes, The Reaper's Toll, Verdungo's Hearty Cord, Warshrike,
Death's Fathom, Kira's Guardian

3) Players can earn a special type of virtual cash in Lands of Peril called LoP Coins. It is used to buy a whole range of new extraordinary items, upgrades and services.
LoP Coins are preserved between the games and are created by means of Horadric Cube with the following recipe:
6 Chipped or Flawed Gems/Skulls = LoP Coins
LoP coins are made from the Blood Rush points earned in the peril game for killing monsters. To view a detailed information on how these points are calculated read this thread. (look for total_points)
Blood Rush points in the Lands of Peril are calculated the same as in normal games with 1 exception. Hell Bovines generate only 60% of the normal points upon their death.
One LoP coin equals to 1000000 Blood Rush points. To check your current amount of LoP coins – type charinfo in game chat. Only the integer number will be shown by this command, but this doesn’t mean that character can’t have a fractional number of coins on his account. This means that if, for example, 500000 Blood Rush points were made in a given game, then after the transmutation 0.5 LoP coints will be transferred to character’s account.
If upon using a recipe character increases his integer number of LoP coins then a message will popup saying:
"You created some LoP Coins!"
Otherwise the following massage will appear:
"You acquired a bit of magical energy!"
At the moment of new coin creation there is a 8% chance to additionally create unique weapon or armor from the list above.

It is only possible to use this recipe after the following conditions are met:
- Character must be at least lvl 89.
- Character must accumulate at least 80000 Blood Rush points in given game.
- All of the act bosses (Andariel, Duriel, Mephisto, Diablo, Baal) in the game must be dead. (It doesn’t matter who kills them)

If character has more than 10 LoP coins, his damage output (physical, magic, elemental, poison) is multiplied by 1.05.

To spend LoP coins one may use the following Horadric Cube recipes:
1) Key of Greed + Flawless Diamond = 1 Stat Point
Price - 1 LoP Coin.
This recipe can’t be used more than 15 times.

2) 2 Keys of Greed + 2 Keys of Patience + Flawless Diamond = 1 Skill Point
Price - 7 LoP Coins.
This recipe can’t be used more than twice.

3) Key of Patience + Flawless Topaz = Return Stat Points To Pool (Method 1)
Price - 2 LoP Coins.
This recipe decreases character’s stat points (Strength, Dexterity, Vitality, and Energy, without any item modifications taken in account) and adds them back to the pool. The number of points added to the pool is equal to the sum of stats taken away. No stat can be reduced lower than to the point of a given stat of a first level character of the same class.
This recipe tries to create 100 stats for allocation. Stats to be reduced are selected in the decreasing order of their magnitude.
For example, if we have an Amazon, with a stats of Strength = 75, Dexterity = 45, Vitality = 50, Energy = 15. Then, after applying the recipe those stats will change as follows: Strength = 20, Dexterity = 30, Vitality = 20, Energy = 15. The highest stat our Amazon had was strength. Game tried to subtract 100 from it, but was only able to subtract 55, due to the restrictions on Amazon’s base Strength (which cannot be lower than of a first level Amazon). The next highest stat is Vitality. Game tried to subtract 45 from it (100-55=45), but was only able to subtract 30 (due to the same reason as with Strength). Next highest stat is Dexterity. Game tried to subtract 15 from it (45-30=15) and succeeded at doing so. After those actions were performed, the recipe finishes its job. It successfully decreased all of the stats by 100 points and added 100 points to the pool for allocation.
If our Amazon had Strength = 75, Dexterity = 45, Vitality = 20, Energy = 15, as her stats, then the result of the recipe would be Strength = 20, Dexterity = 25, Vitality = 20, Energy = 15 with only 75 stat points created.
4) Key of Greed + Flawless Topaz = Return Stat Points To Pool (Method 2)
Price - 2 LoP Coins.
This recipe decreases character’s stat points (Strength, Dexterity, Vitality, and Energy, without any item modifications taken in account) and adds them back to the pool. The number of points added to the pool is equal to the sum of stats taken away. No stat can be reduced lower than to the point of a given stat of a first level character of the same class.
This recipe tries to create 60 stat points for allocation. From each stat 1 point will be subtracted (in the following order: Strength -> Dexterity -> Vitality -> Energy -> Strength -> ... Transition to the next stat occurs immediately after an attempt to lower the current stat.) until 60 points are taken away or there are no more stats left decrease.
For example, if we have an Amazon with a stats of Strength = 100, Dexterity = 100, Vitality = 100, Energy = 100. Then, after applying the recipe those stats will be reduced as follows Strength = 85, Dexterity = 85, Vitality = 85, Energy = 85 – this way recipe will create all of the 60 points.
If our Amazon instead had Strength = 100, Dexterity = 25, Vitality = 100, Energy = 15, then the result of the recipe will look like this: Strength = 70, Dexterity = 25, Vitality = 70, Energy = 15 with 60 points created.

5) Key of Patience + Flawless Diamond = Elixir
Price - 4 LoP Coins.
This recipe can’t be used more than 3 times.
Elixir is a consumable (right click to use, disappears upon consumption), that permanently increases character’s Frugality by 1.
Frugality is a new property, that determines how carefully, economically and accurately character uses his items. By default character’s frugality is equal to zero, and it is possible to by increase up to 5. To check your current Frugality - use charinfo command in game chat.
Here is the list of things that depend on Frugality:
- A chance of armor not losing its durability from the enemy’s attack equals to (8 * Frugality)%
- A chance that attack with a weapon will not decrease its durability equals to (10 * Frugality)%
- A chance of not spending Skill Charges upon their usage equals to (18 * Frugality)%
- A chance of potion not disappearing upon their consumption equals to (6 * Frugality)%
- A chance that a scroll (including ones in the tome) won’t disappear upon its usage equals to (12 * Frugality)%
- A chance that a number of throwing darts, arrows or bolts will not decrease after the attack sequence equals to (9 * Frugality)%
- A chance that a number of throwing axes or knives will not decrease after the attack sequence equals to MIN(96.5, 23 * Frugality)%

6) 2 Keys of Greed + 2 Keys of Patience + Flawless Topaz = Herb
Price - 8 LoP Coins.
This recipe can’t be used more than 3 times.
Herb is a consumable (right click to use, disappears upon consumption) that permanently increases character’s LoP Affinity by 1.
LoP affinity determines character’s efficiency and ability to confront dangers in Lands of Peril. By default character’s LoP affinity is zero, and can be increased up to 5.
To check your character’s LoP affinity use charinfo command in a game chat.
LoP affinity affects the damage input and output of the character and his minions. Also all sorts of negative effects and penalties depend on this value. It is extremely useful to raise your character’s LoP Affinity if you plan on spending a considerable amount of time in the Lands of Peril with it.

7) Key of Greed + 2 Keys of Patience + Flawless Topaz = Random Skiller of Vita
Price - 11 LoP Coins.
This recipe can be only used once.
It is only available for character from level 92 and higher, under the condition that they previously bought something from the list below:
- 1 or more Skill Point
- 4 or more Stat Points
- 1 or more Elixir
- 1 or more Herb
Skiller of Vita is a Grand Charm of Vita (+(36-40) to Life), that increases all the skills of the specific skill tab by 1. More popular skill tabs among players have an increased chance to be generated.
There is a 40% chance to receive a random Skiller of Vita with for your character’s random skill tab. And a 60% chance to receive completely random Skiller of Vita
8) Key of Greed + Key of Patience + Flawless Diamond = Spiral Emblem
Price - 5 LoP Coins.
Spiral Emblem
Crafted Small Charm

Required Level: (85-90)

+(2-3)% To Experience Gained
-(4-6)% To Enemy Fire Resistance
-(4-6)% To Enemy Lightning Resistance
+(3-5)% To Poison Skill Damage
-(6-8)% Target Defense
(35-45)% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
+(80-100)% Damage To Undead
3% Chance to Cast Level 15 Static Field On Striking

It is possible to own more than one Crafted Small Charm at once, however, if it occurs, character won’t be able to use skills and will die from any attack.
9) Key of Greed + 2 Keys of Patience + Flawless Diamond = Star Talisman
Цена - 5 LoP Coins.
Star Talisman
Crafted Small Charm

Required Level: (67-90)

+(35-50) To Life
+(35-50) To Mana
+8% Faster Run/Walk
+2% Increased Chance Of Blocking
All Resistances +(3-5)
Magic Resist +2%
+(80-120) Defense
+1 Random Skill (Class Only)

It is possible to own more than one Crafted Small Charm at once, however, if it occurs, character won’t be able to use skills and will die from any attack.
Random Skill may be any of the player skills available in the game. The bonus is given only to the characters whose class has the resulting skill on one of their skill tabs. This means that this is the same type of bonus as the one of the necromancer wands.
- Key of Greed
Is dropped from High Councils (not only from the Bosses, but from the minions as well), that dwell in the 3rd act, particularly in Travincal and Durance of Hate Level 3.
This chance is fixed, and doesn’t depend on the number of players in game or magic find and is equal to 1/297.
- Key of Patience
Is dropped from the fetish shaman Witch Doctor Endugu, who can be found in the 3rd act Flyer Dungeon Level 3 map, near the stash with Khalim’s Brain.
After the death of the shaman, fetish who was holding the shaman on his shoulders will continue fighting with you, he can drop the key with the same chance as a shaman. This chance is fixed and does not depend on anything and is equal to 1/54.
Both of the keys are highlighted purple.

To be able to see all of the message pop ups on our server you must :
- turn off Auto Squelch Noisy Chat Messages option in C3PO (tab Key Config, group More Auto Options).
- turn off Auto Corpse Mode option in C3PO (tab Key Config, group More Auto Options).
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Diablo II Uniform Admin
Diablo II Uniform Admin
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24 май 2004, 18:39
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